Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sonogram Photos

Everything went well at our doctor's appointment this past Monday (May 9th), which is always a relief.  Luckily, Christopher has been able to come to all of my appointments so far.  This one was very exciting, so I'm very glad he was able to be there with me.  Baby E was moving all over the place and now looks like an actual baby!  He/she wiggled around so much that it was hard to get good shots of him/her.  Very fun!  We go back in for our 20 week anatomy sonogram on June 14th, and we can't wait to see how much Baby E will have changed by then.

Here are some of the sonogram photos.  The two on the left were taken at nearly 7 weeks, and the two on the right were taken on Monday, at 14 weeks, 6 days.  You can barely see a little "gummy bear" in the first two, whereas you can see the face and chest (and the left arm in one of the photos) in the more recent ones.

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